Friday, May 1, 2009

The Atmosphere at New Hope

I believe that people often visit our church looking for friends, and they hope our church will be a family to which they can belong.

When I visit on behalf of our church, I am always grateful for the interest people show in the kind of church we are. New Hope is a Baptist Church, but not the kind many people think of when they see the word Baptist. We distinguish ourselves by accepting diversity. We don’t push. We preach the Bible not politics. We encourage people to check us out for as long as it takes to get to know us. We encourage questions. Visitors often find it refreshing that there is freedom at New Hope to raise honest questions and take time to see what we are made of. We want them to see for themselves that we love God, love people, and are serious about following Jesus and serving the world.

As I visited this past week, I heard parents in two homes say something like this: “I just want a church in which my child can grow up. I want him/her to feel at home in church and be able to learn and have fun by participating in activities.” With the leadership of Cheryl Secunda, our Director of Children and Youth Ministries, we are developing programs that help our children to learn and grow and feel a sense of belonging.

Cub Scout Pack 475 is also a part of our ministry to children. Cub Master Mike Wright tells me that the strength of the Pack is growing as parent-leaders step forward to help. New Hope is providing the Pack with the space needed for activities. Some parents and children are regularly with us in worship on Sundays.
And, as the Pack 475 and our children’s ministries continue to grow, more boys and girls will ride by on Taylor Road, see our sign and buildings and say, “Hey. That’s our church!”

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