Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Armand: Man of Compassion and of Music

When I came to be the pastor of New Hope I was surprised by the amazing talent of our accompanist, Armand Melnbardis. I had never heard anyone play the keyboard with such a flare for making it sound joyful and relaxing. Before long, I also saw something even more important about Armand. He is a man of compassion who enjoys learning about how to have healthy and loving relationships.

Armand attracted friends to his concerts. Occasionally they would come to hear him play the keyboard and the violin in New Hope worship services. And then I saw him begin to attract friends to our Real Love Groups. He gave his time and attention to people who wanted to learn how God ‘s grace flows thought people when they are able to receive and give unconditional love.

Sindy Young was also from Latvia, died of cancer almost 5 years ago. Her’s was the first funeral I conducted at New Hope. Erma Dreas tells me that she remembers a time when Armand called and asked, “Will you take care of Sindy’s baby while we try to encourage her and bring her out of serious depression. He recruited help, offered his friendship and did what he could in a desperate situation.

The longer I have known Armand, the more I have developed respect for his compassion. When I started the first Real Love group at New Hope, Armand was there from the first meeting. Over the years I have seen him grow spiritually and emotionally.

Go with God, Armand. We will keep you in our hearts and pray for you to find a great church, people through whom God’s love will flow to you, and many opportunities to serve God by loving others unconditionally.

Parents and Church Promising to Bring up Children in the Faith

Because bringing up children to know that God is love and to be loving is so important to us at New Hope, I decided to post the responsive reading of promises that our parents and congregation made on Sunday, October 2, 2011. It was a beautiful Parent/Child Dedication.

Parent-Child Dedication: Stepanie and TJ Pullin Dedicate Finley. Dusti and Drew Heil Dedicate Andrew and Ashton.

Children learn from their parents to place a high value on the Church, the Bible, and living in the unconditional love of God. TJ and Stephanie, Drew and Dusti, as you dedicate your children to Christ, will you covenant with God and New Hope Baptist Church to teach your children the Christian faith, how to love without condition, and how to live as responsible children of God?

We will.

In Deuteronomy 6 the Bible instructs parents: “Talk about the commandments of God wherever you are, sitting at home or walking along your way; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning until you fall into bed at night.” This is the challenge and the glory of parenting. Will you teach the commandments of God by your unconditional love, your words, and the way you live your lives? Will you love and teach, love and teach, love and teach, then, love and teach again?

We will.

The Bible counsels us to fill our “minds with and meditate on things true, noble, reputable, compelling, gracious – the best not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.” Will you teach your children to fill their minds with such things and find joy in the life God is giving them?

We will.

Church family, will you give your love, encouragement and prayers to these parents? Will you, by gifts of your love that will include time, energy, and money keep on providing a church family, a place of worship, and Bible teaching for Finley, Ashton, and Andrew so that they may know the love of God, grow up in the church, and bear the fruit of the Spirit?

We will. Drew and Dusti, TJ and Stephanie, you have our support and our prayers as you teach your children to love God, love people, and be responsible.

Here are God’s words about being good parents: “A refusal to correct is a refusal to love; love your children by disciplining them. Do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

Do you dedicate yourselves today to the task of learning to fill yourselves with God’s unconditional, real love so that you will be able to discipline your children without anger and love them unconditionally?

With God as the source and this church as a channel of love and forgiveness, we will.