I am grateful to God for things I enjoy in life. Here are a few.
Every morning I enjoy getting up when Fleda does. Since she works as a reading coach to teachers at two schools in Deltona she gets up at 5:15. I make her a cup of tea (after I make my first cup of coffee), a boiled egg to take for lunch and a bowl of oatmeal. I enjoy being at home with Fleda in the evening and watching our favorite TV show, Jeopardy.
I enjoy reading some books that don’t have directly to do with preparing sermons. Right now I am reading The Biography of Steve Jobs and The Biography of Benjamin Franklin, both by Walter Isaacson. I also read four periodicals: “Baptists Today,” “The Christian Century,” “Time Magazine,” and “Christian Ethics Today.”
As a pastor, I have always liked to make hospital visits. Counseling and pastoral conversations are also important to me. For a couple of years now I have been what the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship calls a convenor of a Peer Learning Group. A group of 13 mostly pastors (Dennis Bucher, Shane Gaster, and Ben Collins are in our group) meets every month except in the summer. We have lunch together and discuss books we have read, materials and ideas that have helped us to be better in serving our churches, and things that have helped us to grow spiritually.
The list runs on. I thank God for the many ways I enjoy living.
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