Friday, September 23, 2011

Armand's Farewell Concert, October 16

We are facing a change at New Hope. Armand, our Instrumentalist for 15 years, has announced that his last Sunday will be October 16. We pray that God will give him success in his new life as a musical artist, performer, and teacher. We have been fortunate for all these years to be blessed by his music. Now we are preparing ourselves to say farewell and give him our encouragement as he makes this huge transition in his life.

Change brings some feelings of anxiety, because we are stepping into the unknown, Armand much more than the rest of us. However, we here at New Hope will need to trust God for the future of our worship services and our life together.

Plan now to attend Armand’s farewell concert on the afternoon of Sunday, October 16 at 5 o’clock in our sanctuary.

Today we are giving our special offering to help World Vision provide food and supplies in the Horn of Africa where 13 million people are in need of emergency assistance. Every $100 we give could potentially provide 1,700 meals. World Vision not only provides emergency food, they also provide seeds, supplies and training to establish sustainable food sources. We want to open our hearts of compassion as Jesus teaches and do what we can to respond to this great crisis. If you want to give by check, make it out to New Hope Baptist Church and put on the notation line “Horn of Africa.”

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