Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Praise God from Whom Celebrations and Technological Blessings Flow

It was truly uplifting to our church to celebrate Dennis and Armand for their 10+ years of music leadership. As our sanctuary filled last Sunday, the atmosphere was joy and love. Those two deserved all the love we poured on them and more. It was good to have Doran McCarty and Don Musser help us pour it on. Dr. Musser gave a humorous and heartfelt tribute to our two amazing musicians. He and Dr. McCarty were interim pastors who worked side by side with Dennis and Armand to give caring leadership to New Hope when the church was hurting and vulnerable. Thanks again to Leesa Holloway for organizing this event; praise God for the opportunity to honor our musicians.

I have had cell phone and computer experiences today that cause me to thank God for the gifts of modern technology. While I was on a golf course, I got a call from Armand about a Boston Pops Orchestra event coming to Daytona in March that our youth may be able to attend. Then on about the next hole, my daughter Lydia called from Los Angeles about getting some information she needs sent from her dentist in DeLand to her new dentist. One other call came from the wife of a good friend telling me, “I thought you would want to know that Bryan is in the hospital in ICU.”

Those conversations took place as I played my usual Monday nine holes of golf. I went to the hospital to see my friend. When I got home, my son called. John Marc helped me set up a program called Skype on my computer. With Skype, Fleda and I were able to see our son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter, and they could see us. Just two days before I learned how to use Skype, I along with Bill Batchelor of our church heard a missionary to Southeast Asia tell of communicating with her family in America by means of Skype. I didn’t know at the time: she meant she could see her family and they could see her from half way around the world. There are many ways God takes care of us human beings.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow: a singer-choir leader named Dennis, a violinist-keyboard player named Armand, cell phones, computers, and Skype.

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