Friday, September 12, 2008

The Joy of Reaching People

Scott and Cheri Heatherington joined us last Sunday. They were members of New Hope in our earliest days and joined a larger church that had more activities for youth. Now that their children are out of the nest, they are back with us. We are grateful to God to have them in our church family. Cheri’s mom and dad are our Marge and Herm White who live in Monongahela, PA in the summer and in Port Orange in the winter.

This has been a good week for me as I have visited in three homes where people are interested in New Hope. I talked with five couples in those homes. I enjoyed all the visits and was especially thankful for my conversation with Samantha “Sam” Senatro and Gabbi Abdenabbi; two sweet teenagers who have been attending our youth group for a while. They indicated to Cheryl Secunda that they wanted to become Christ followers among us here at New Hope. It was my privilege to talk with them and their parents about what it means to accept Jesus as your savior and your teacher. I put together a PowerPoint slide show about baptism to show them on my laptop. I look forward to introducing these two new believers to our congregation and to planning their baptisms.

We celebrate new members. God is adding to his family. Fleda and I look forward to the New Members Class after worship today.

Thank you, John Rising, for the work you have done to make sure our sign got moved, properly placed, repaired and cleaned up. How about our sign! Doesn’t it look good at the corner of Taylor and Summer Trees? The new visibility will help people to notice that we are here. Soon the sign will be lighted at night again. If you are interested in volunteering to change the letters on the sign, please see me or call me. I want us to make good use of it, now that it is so very visible to people driving by our property. There are ways we can use our sign to serve our community.

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