Sunday, January 3, 2010

Looking Back and Trusting God

At the end of the year (I’m writing on New Year’s Eve.) I want to look back over 2009. Here are some things that happened last year. They remind me that we members of New Hope Baptist Church are in this thing called “life” together and that God is with us.

- I met most weeks of the year with long-time friends and some new ones. - Most weeks, Dennis Bucher and I met for lunch and for worship planning. - Our church studied the parables of Jesus together in February and March. - Dennis and I went to Atlanta to church music conference. - Fleda and I spent a few days seeing the Grand Canyon. - Sonny Gallman (Pastor of Central Baptist Church in Daytona) and I started a new Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Pastor’s Learning Group with the help of Doran McCarty. - I went on our Youth Retreat, which Cheryl Secunda organized. - We ordained Joan Wood and Lou Herouart as new deacons of New Hope. - We baptized Marilyn Schneider, Ruth Nearons, Maddison Snow, Jaren and Toren Ford-Jones, and Tom and Barbara Trozzi. - Betty Myers, Guy Wells, Kiyoko Bundens, Harvey Bundens, and Al Bittel died and entered into God’s presence. We thank God for the memories and blessings. - I went through surgery in October and felt the strength of God flow to me through many human channels.

These are some of my memories of 2009. It feels good to review them. God is faithful and can be trusted.

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