Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Human Hurt and Compassion

As I look out the window of the A-frame building at New Hope, I am deeply aware of how fortunate I am. My car sits waiting for me. I can drive home on roads that I expect to be open, and they always are. Dinner will be waiting for me when I get there. In the morning, coffee and breakfast will await me. I think of how people in Haiti are living in makeshift tent communities. Their roads are barely passable.

The earthquake in Haiti has caused us to think deeply about turning loose of our money in order to help people in a crisis. We are thankful to know that there are people who have the skills to help there. We want to be a part of what is being done to help people who are injured, grieving, hungry, thirsty, and homeless. Thank God for the opportunity to give and join God in what he is doing.

God loves all the people of the world. We cannot fully understand why so much suffering happens to His creatures. Much more important than explaining why bad things happen to innocent people is finding a way to respond in compassion and do something to help.

Jesus gave us a powerful image of what the final judgment will be when he said in Matthew 25, “What you have done for one of the least of my children you have done for me.” Jesus is present among the hurting people of Haiti. He is saying to us, “Don’t miss out on this opportunity to respond in compassion to this gigantic human crisis.”

I am happy to report that our offering for Haitian Relief totaled $769.

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