I found an old notebook in which I had written some notes and personal reflections back in the 80s and 90s. This stood out to me, because it connected so directly with what we have been learning about Real Love. Dr. Bernie Seigel wrote a book called Love, Medicine, and Miracles back in the early 80s. In it he talked about the importance of faith, hope, and love to healing from life-threatening diseases like cancer. This is what I wrote in my notebook in 1989.
“Dr. Bernie Siegel describes his awareness of being loved and wanted as a child. His mother suffered from severe hyperthyroidism. She was so thin that her doctor told her she could have no children. She found another doctor who agreed to go through a pregnancy with her provided she gained 30 pounds. Her Jewish mother fed her constantly. She had a traumatic delivery. The baby’s face was damaged by the forceps. “My Grandmother stepped in, anointing and stroking my face until the damage healed, relieving my mother of the distress and continuing the unconditional love. So I received the message that I was loved unconditionally.” He goes on to talk about what a power that was in his life. Then he says it was hard for him to learn that about 80% of his patients had not received unconditional love.
Real Love, unconditional love is what we all need as much as we need air. And God makes it available to all of us in Christ. He pays the price to forgive us, shows us God’s love, and makes His love flow through many human channels.