Friday, September 11, 2009

Betty Myers

Betty Myers meant so much to us, because she loved this church and she loved us individually. We have our stories.

I will miss calling Betty. Her numbers are still in my cell phone. She had a distinctive answer-ritual. She would always say in a cheery voice: “Hello.” Then, when I indentified myself, “And how are you today?” With the emphasis on the “you.” She really cared how I was that day.

When I called Betty, it was usually either about someone in the hospital or about something related to deacon ministry. Betty was a wonderful deacon. Deacon is a Greek word, best translated “servant.” And Betty was that. She was forever asking, “What can I do for you?”

Betty believed she was called to live a life of service to others because of God’s love for her. God’s love is a love that flows through us to others. Betty grew in that love all along the way, and the love flowed freely. She worked hard at everything she did, but she did it out of a fullness of God’s love, not out of an emptiness that says, “Look at what I am dong. Be sure you give me credit for all my work.” No. Betty worked from the fullness of God’s love, because she was saved by the grace and love of God.

Jesus said, “I am the way, I am the truth, and I am the life. No one comes to the Father except by me.”

Betty placed her faith in Jesus, not passively as if she had bought a ticket to heaven and was just waiting her turn to go there. She followed him as the Way. She learned of Jesus as the Truth. She saw that what Jesus did and what he taught us is the way to Life before you die; and it is the gift of Eternal Life. In that sense, Betty is our proof of God. We don’t have any doubts that she is there in God’s presence and that we will have eternal life if we follow the Way she followed.

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